I've tried forever to understand illegal immigration policies. Several of the points made have had varying degrees of success convincing me.
1. We need to protect our borders from terrorists. Yes, we do, totally agree with that. But terrorists aren't the same as guys crossing the border to get a job.
2. We need to protect our high-paying jobs from being stolen by illegal immigrants. Well...no. Our high-paying tech jobs aren't going to someone who doesn't even have a GED. Illegal immigrants, racist as it might seem, are most likely taking the low-paying jobs.
3. Illegal immigrants do not belong here! And that brings me to my greatest point of contention. Illegal immigrants do not belong in "The Greatest Country on the planet." To that my response is...why?
Why don't immigrants belong here in this country? Because they were born in a different country? So they are being denied access to some of the greatest schools, the greatest sciences and - from a completely aggrandizing perspective - one of the most beautiful countries the planet has to offer, because they weren't lucky enough to be born here. They lost the proverbial genetic lottery, and are condemned forevermore.
It's been said we have over 11 million illegal immigrants in the country. I'm of two minds as to whether or not to grant amnesty, and both of them agree. I have a completely bleeding-heart mentality of let freedom ring! From sea to shining sea, throw open out borders, and let us truly be a great melting pot once again. Immigrants rock! Secondly, I have a conniving, power-hungry, not-so-nice mind that says let them all become citizens! Why not, we need more taxes anyways.
That's not just a cynical joke, ladies and gentlemen. More taxes, please. Once again, Democratic values shine through. These people are coming here to work, for a better lifestyle, and are willing to risk life, limb and deportation to do so. Surely they would be willing to pay a little bit to live without fear? We should all be free to be tax-paying citizens. 11 million more people, finally sending something in on April 15th? Let's see how our deficit looks afterwards.
Immigration has always been a part of this country. Let's see if we can't bring it into the 21st century.
Stay strange, folks.