
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Diary of an Unemployed Wanderer, Part 6

September 16, 2012

I don’t know where I am.
I guess that happens when I’ve been wandering for a week.  And yes, I mean wandering.  No car, no phone, nothing to give an indication besides license plates that I keep passing.  I think I’ve been heading west since I’m always facing the sun at sunset, but other than that, everything I know from wilderness survival could be read in Hatchet.  I am well and truly lost.
It’s actually kind of reassuring, satisfying even.  I’m alone, completely, and yet I’m not too worried about what’s going to happen.  I’ve been passing through a couple orchards, working for a meal here and there…and yes, lifting a few apples when I could get away with it.  I’ve slept in barns, in trees, I’ve even slept in a shelter when the night dropped below freezing.  I’ve changed clothes twice this week, and my showering has been a stream last Thursday.  I should be miserable, but I’m not.  I guess I’m a bit insane, just enjoying the solitude.
I met a farmer this past week, just off the highway.  I hadn’t seen anyone yet that day (been testing out flying, and the trees are the best way to avoid people), so I landed in her wheat field.  Yes, farmers can be women too.  She glanced at me as I walked up to her, and I could tell that she wasn’t expecting to meet anyone today either.
“You lost?”
She threw a pair of gloves to me, pointed out a weed and told me to get to work.  I’ve never weeded before, and she smacked me a few times before I started getting the difference between a weed and wheat.  It was dark before we headed into her house…house.  It was a kitchen, a bedroom and an outhouse.  Houses these days have less lawn than brick.  Hers didn’t qualify.
We had dinner together.  She made the bread herself.  Who does that?
Right now I’m typing this out on her laptop computer (no bathroom, but wifi…America).  There’s a bundle of blankets on an air mattress, and I’m getting a pillow that’s probably older than me.  Last month I was set for making fifty thousand this year.  I had my own car, my own house, and now I have two changes of clothes.  So why am I happier now then I was back then?
I’ve lost everything, and that is truly liberating.  I don’t need to worry about what my reputation is.  I don’t have one anymore.  I don’t have a job, so no need to get up in the morning.  And above all that, I’ve got nothing to tie me down.  If anyone ever finds out about my flying, I’m gone.  I’ll be across state lines before the cops or men in black can ever find me.  I’m well and truly free.

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