
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Diary of an Unemployed Wanderer, part 1

And so begins my foray into Blog Fiction!  Hope you all enjoy this.  Until next week!

August 12, 2012

Dear Journal,
Today has to be the most amazing day I have ever been in!  You would not believe the day I have had.  I mean to sum it all up, I now have…wait.  Build it up, build up everything, I’m supposed to be leading to something, not just spilling my secrets, ha!  That must’ve been anti-climactic, right?
Let me start over.  Sorry, this is my first post, so I’m still a bit nervous.  Imagine, being nervous talking to…well, you’re not exactly alive, now are you?  I mean, you can’t do anything, you can’t fight back you can’t…stick to the point, right.  Where was I?  Oh, right, today.
Today was the day.  THE, day.  The day I was going to ask for a raise.  I know, I know, the school hasn’t exactly been receptive of me (I think the principal called me Larry instead of Gary), but I was confident.  I’d been working there for five years, obviously there had to be something, right?  I wonder if I should still ask for a raise after what happened…probably not.
All right, all right, all right, the day.  I went to school…well, tried to.  I was taking the back roads through the woods (7:00 in the morning, only real option is back roads or traffic, am I right?), windows down on my way to teacher workshops, when all I hear is a pop.  It wasn’t gunfire or a loud explosion, more like the sound a jar makes as the air seal is broken.  Times fifty.  And with it I see a couple of branches just fly past the hood of my car, one even struck my car!  I slam on the breaks, pull over to the side of the road, and get out of the car.
I don’t know what I was thinking.  Somebody might be hurt, there might be something really cool, and as much as I wanted a raise I didn’t really want to be in teacher workshops on a weekend…but I went.  Dress shoes, khaki slacks and all, I went trudging through the woods.  Yes, there was mud, and yes did I step in it.  As I’m typing this my shoes are drying off the caked mud and awaiting a stiff brush and some prayers that the muck will just fly off.  Wouldn’t that be ironic?  Getting ahead of myself again…
Anyways, I’m a couple hundred yards off the road, when I start seeing a glow.  Not an aliens-have-landed glow, or even a sunshine glow.  First off, it wasn’t coming from the sky.  Instead, I could see the light kind of seeping out of the ground.  And the glow wasn’t even fixated on a particular color.  It changed from red to orange to green, almost every color in the spectrum without any sort of pattern. It was kind of cool.
I know what your first thought was.  I kind of freaked myself when my first thought was radioactive spill-off, get ready for cancer or a third eye…but I didn’t feel cancerous or anything.  Cancerous…can you feel cancerous?  Is there a sensation attached to radioactivity?  I’ll admit I’ve read my fair share of comic books and watched superhero movies, but I don’t know how one feels when you’re next to anything nuclear.  Maybe there’s a lot of pain, or perhaps a tingly feeling?  I don’t know, I couldn’t know, so how could I even expect there to be…whatever?  All I knew was I didn’t feel anything beyond normal.  And the light was looking really cool.  So I went further in.
First thing I thought when I saw what the glow was, was kind of disappointed.  There wasn’t a clearing with signs drawn over the ground.  There wasn’t a burnt up circle to indicate where extraterrestrials had landed.  Just a tree, with glowing roots.  Yes, glowing roots.  And let me stress that the rest of the tree wasn’t glowing.  What the hell was up with this tree?  What kind of tree has glowing roots?  Was I losing my mind?  Am I in the middle of losing my mind?  Should I be taking iodine and staying away from x-rays for life?
Why is this the best day ever?  Because I was totally, completely and unequivocally stupid.  I didn’t run for the hills, I didn’t call the cops.  Instead, I tried to find out why the tree only had glowing roots.  Yes, I touched it.  And blacked out.
I woke up next to my car in the high school parking lot.  I managed to get up to find Kelly Bentz, AKA my boss, walking towards my car with not the best look on her face.  I was about to get fired.  Apparently the principal didn’t enjoy the fact that I missed six hours of mandatory workshops, and instead just showed up with mud all over my shoes, dirt on my face, and no explanation for where I was.
So here I am, unemployed, possibly exposed to radiation, and bills coming up pretty soon.  Why is this a great day?  Why is this quite possibly the best day of my life?
Because I have superpowers.

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