
Monday, August 20, 2012

Rape is Rape is Rape, Guys. Stop telling Women what to do!

I broke my trend already.  I'm sorry, but I felt I had to.
This year is turning towards the bizarre.  Campaigns seem to have focuses.  In 2004 it was the two wars we were in.  During the 2008 it was how do we get ourselves out of this mess we seem to be in.  This campaign, there seems to have been a bit of focus on women and their…womanhood lately.  Last week, I wrote about the personhood laws that have been circulating the media, having been defeated in both Colorado and Mississippi.  I thought the ideas of personhood were beliefs held by some Americans, and that they had the right to do so.  Unfortunately, the issue has spun out of control.
In case you haven’t heard, Representative Todd Akin lately talked about the difference between rape and “legitimate” rape.  According to Todd Akin’s science, it is biologically impossible for rape victims to get pregnant.  Their bodies simply will not allow them.  Therefore, rape ‘victims’ who are pregnant are biologically proven to not have been raped!
This piece of science fiction, I wish I could say I was surprised about it.  Sadly, I am not.  For the past couple of months, I have been aware of a large number of Americans that seem to think they know more about women and their bodies than the women do.  And no, I am not talking about Republicans.  I am speaking about men.
Yes, I’m a guy.  Looking at my picture to the right of this blog kind of reveals this fact, but it is a fact.  But seeing the horrors unfold around these issues makes me want to ignore my gender, to cry out against the stupidity that my sex has done.
The Todd Akin is just the latest in a long line of men ‘being men’ about women’s issues.  Sandra Fluke, having the courage to talk about what birth control has done for her friends in Georgetown?  Rush Limbaugh congratulated her with the title of slut and prostitute.  During the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, many men joked she shouldn’t be given decisions while menstruating, she could get emotional!  And of course, who could forget both sides’ use of the male favorite about the top two women in the previous Presidential campaign?  “If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.”
Abortion is a serious issue.  I can’t talk about it, because I have absolutely no ideas what it entails, and what are the ramifications, either ethically, philosophically or spiritually.  But I can speak to the men about this issue, and I hope that we can all take this to heart.
Do not claim that you know more about women’s bodies than they do.
Do not legislate on women’s bodies until we let them legislate ours.
Most importantly, men, do not consider yourselves better than women.
This is still an issue.  We think of ourselves as the protectors, the bread-winners, the go-getters.  The man is king, master and commander of his fate and household.  But women are overtaking college admissions.  Women are working just as hard as men.  And yes, women know their own bodies as much as men know their own.  Maybe even more, considering all the media that’s been done about the female body lately.  Time to allow them to make their own decisions.
Women, I apologize for men.  I know you’ve been apologizing for us long enough.  Give guys a chance, and maybe even forgive our nutjobs.  Just get them out of office.

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